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A24's Got a Kink, and I Like It!

Mix two highly creative brothers, loads of perseverance, and a keen understanding of what makes horror great, and you get TALK TO ME.

A24’s latest horror release is a damn doozie and easily the best horror film of 2023. With Danny and Michael Philippou at the helm, the two struck gold with their writing & directorial debut. Known to their 6.75 million YouTube fans as RackaRacka, these brothers remained steadfast in their incredibly wise decision to keep TALK TO ME out of the hands of a studio and squarely in their control as an independent film, produced by Samantha Jennings and Kristina Ceyton, the amazing team behind THE BABADOOK. It can be said with absolute certainty that had the film been sold to a studio before its completion, it would’ve been given the Hollywood treatment—stripped of originality and birthed into the cinematic world as the tired, formulaic turd it would’ve devolved into. Danny & Michael deserve a hearty round of applause for their resolve, and for delivering horror fans a film the genre so greatly needed.

Photo Credit: DEADLINE

I’m not going to poopoo on my genre. There are enough movie-goers complaining about the monotony of horror’s collective body of work, and they’re not wrong. But horror isn’t unique in this regard. All genres fall victim to mind-numbingly formulaic redundancy. It comes as no surprise that the film industry banks on reliability and dollars in their pockets, which doesn’t bode well for creators with actual, you know, creativity. As an artist and author, I can attest to an abundance of original stories in existence, written by extraordinary storytellers with unique voices. What we unique storytellers don’t have is 6.75 million followers, and what a damn shame that is, otherwise theaters and bookstores would be selling experiences, instead of cut & paste antics made to line the pockets of executives. While the rest of us are licking our wounds, I’m thrilled the Philippou brothers have both gumption and an absurd number of followers, otherwise TALK TO ME would surely have faded into obscurity, and what a fucking shame that would’ve been!

So, blah, blah, blah! The film industry is broken. What the hell else is new?!

On with the show…

What’s so special about a movie featuring a handful of teenagers in possession of a cursed object? Well, on it’s face…nothing. Sounds pretty basic, right? Teens aren’t the wisest decision-makers, and cursed objects can really ruin your day. We all know this, and so did the Philippou brothers. So what’re a couple young filmmakers to do when faced with a sea of dresses already worn to the ball? They’re meant to hike that dress on and wear it better than any damn broad out there, and they did just that. Danny and Michael told their very best version of the story, and they did it with respect for their audience and the genre itself.

Photo Credit: A24

As for the actual guts of this delicious pumpkin, it was stellar! In fact, in my humble opinion, this is the best horror release since HEREDITARY, which is saying a lot, because Ari Aster did God’s work with that dark beauty. But TALK TO ME holds up. It really does, and in a big way. Every young actor delivered a great performance, the cinematography was on point, the soundtrack fitting, and the pacing was strong. The film doesn’t have a loose end, nor a glitch anywhere in the system. It runs smoothly, grips the audience, and, most shocking, finishes strong! Like…really, truly finishes strong, which is nearly unheard of. And by heavens, it does it without an array of cheap jump scares. It’s a solid film from start to finish, but where this puppy shines like a diamond is in its delivery of fear. I know, I know. I don’t get scared by horror movies, but the fear factor isn’t lost on me. It just has the opposite effect. It thrills me like a kid on Christmas morning!

Photo Credit: A24

TALK TO ME knows how to scare, and it scares impeccably well, with a heavy dose of “Holy fucking shit!” Its terror builds slowly but burns enough to keep you glued to the screen. Some of the film’s scariest moments are in the subtlety of a look, or the casualness with which we see what lurks beyond. Other times, it’s in the darkest of corners, or in the strangest of actions. But that’s not to say the film doesn’t wallop you upside the head with overt horror, no pun intended. It’s an A24 film, for crying out loud, and it’s clear they’ve got one intense kink. I mean, sure, a lot of people are into head, but they’ve taken it to a radical level. If you thought Ari Aster was their brain-bash maestro, think again. A24 loves them some gray matter, and they’re not afraid to splash that gooey shit all over the place. Needless to say, TALK TO ME offers some of the most disturbing, expletive-inducing head play I’ve seen in a while—it’s by no means for the faint of heart. In fact, HEREDITARY could learn a thing or two about grotesque scenes from this film. But make no mistake, kiddies. This ain’t no brain-bashing bonanza for the sake of gratuitous violence. On the contrary, it’s makes for one of the most compelling scenes in the film, and its arrival marks a shift in the tone and nature of the story and the characters within it. Its intentionality remains with the viewer long after the scene ends, opening up questions that may, or may not, need to be asked.

Photo Credit: A24

The Philippou brothers dished up heaps and mounds of grade-A horror, even throwing in some much-needed comedic relief. Like Fred Astaire, the film danced beautifully, hitting all its marks, never ebbing in quality and its dedication to the audience. Still, I feared Danny and Michael might fumble in the end. Even HEREDITARY—my wonderful, beautiful HEREDITARY—couldn’t bring home an ending worthy of the rest of the film. But, man! Those Philippou brothers were like, “Nah, I got this. Hold my beer,” and those cool cats sent the last five minutes of their film soaring through the goalposts. Talk about satisfaction! It’s rare that a filmmaker knows how to deliver a truly solid film. Even more rare is the filmmaker who can keep up the stamina till the very end. It’s horror heaven, I tell you. Pure, unadulterated horror heaven!

No surprise TALK TO ME created quite a bidding war at Sundance, landing the brothers a seven-figure deal with A24, which brings me to...A24. Danny and Michael Philippou had their pick of overlords they could’ve sold to, but again the duo chose wisely. A24 deserves its own round of applause for spotlighting great pieces by innovative storytellers, not just within the horror genre, but in general. Some of the greatest horror films of all time have been A24 films, and while I truly appreciate their body of work, I was fully prepared for them to sell out. Thus far, I’m thrilled to see they’re remaining true to their brand and featuring art worthy of praise.

Go watch TALK TO ME. Seriously, don’t even call yourself a horror fan if you haven’t hauled your cookies to a theater yet. Battle the crowds, deal with the teens, side-eye the coughers and loud eaters. Just grin & bear it, ‘cause this one’s a ripper, and it’s more than worthy of your time and money! And if head play isn’t your kink, sack up, Nancy. It’s 2023, and traumatic brain injuries are all the rage in horror. Just be thankful A24 isn’t sewing oral cavities to poopers like some filmmakers out there, even if Dr. Heiter’s whimsical illustration is one of the greatest contributions to cinema!

Photo Credit: Bounty Films


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